Sunday, June 20, 2004

Anonymous comments...

After getting various emails from people I know who can't be bothered to register, I've altered the blog settings so they now allow anonymous comments.

This was motivated in part by a friend of my sister, who after reading my comments on The Lord of the Rings, suggested I should read this.

Thanks T.
Was the best laugh I've had in ages.


Anonymous said...

June 20th? Ducks, I think you want to check the date setting on that new box. -- Bibliogirl

j.j. said...

I know... getting behind and have a stack of drafts that haven't been published yet. Just trying to keep some continuity.

I lie. Deal with it ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ah. Sorry about that: I'm one of the five (waves at the other four!) who reads your blog through LiveJournal. So I have bothered to get an account over there, but I assume comments I make there don't come back to you.

Clearly, the solution is for you to migrate over to LJ, thus keeping us happy ;-)

Glad that the diaries did the job :)


j.j. said...

I did take a look at LiveJournal, but the pretty templates on offer via blogger won me over.

Yes... I really am that shallow ;-)