Monday, November 01, 2004


I really should avoid eBay. It's not so much that it's bad for my health, just my bank balance. When Placebo announced a one-off gig at Wembley Arena, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to go. By the time I realised I could, all of the standing tickets had sold out.

I figured it was no big deal, and tried to remind myself of all the things I detest about the place. For those not in the know, the arena was built as an Olympic swimming pool; the acoustics are a dead giveaway. It's a pain in the arse to get to, and an even bigger pain to get back from. And it's miles from where I live.

Then I decided that it didn't matter that I had already seen the bloody band four times this year... I just had to be there.

So I've just increased my credit card debt, and succumbed to the heady excitement that is eBay. The thing I hate the most about that website, is that it brings out all my worst characteristics... the predator, the bully and the bitch. I crush people because I can. To the point where I synchronise eBay time with that on the speaking clock, and chuckle to myself as I picture the poor sucker who realises that he/she was outbid in the final 10 seconds. Does anybody out there actually like me? 'Cause I really don't think I like myself...


Anonymous said...

You can get utilities to sit there and do your sniping for you, you know ;) -- BG

Anonymous said...

If you look hard enough, you can probably find utilities to do bitching, as well!


j.j. said...

And miss out on all the fun? Besides, at the moment, I need all the distractions I can get ;-)