Sunday, April 16, 2006

bass porn

Last June, I gave into the temptations of my mid-life crisis, and bought a second hand bass guitar. Until December, I even had lessons. I had a cute-but-married bass tutor called Steve; I acted like a child, and spent half the lessons laughing. It was good fun, but after about five weeks of cancelled lessons (sometimes his fault, sometimes mine), I realised I was getting on OK by myself. And I could spend the £15 a week on bass tab books instead.

I'm still practising on the damn thing, but my sloppy playing is annoying the (slight) perfectionist streak that seems to run through my family. I think I'm slowly getting less bad, but I'm nowhere near the point where I think I deserve a halfway decent instrument.


I'll get there... Until then, I'm just resigned to late-night sessions of Googling for bass porn. Like this:



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