Tuesday, December 21, 2004

finally, some good news...

... I have a new deadline! Supervisor Tom originally wanted the thesis submitted today (well, Monday 20th... I'm up late, again). The university shuts for the Christmas break on Thursday; after he called the research degree officer, he told me that if it was submitted on the last working day, it wouldn't be processed until January anyway. So, I'm now aiming for January 4th, which is rather more realistic!

I'm currently struggling to write the acknowledgements. For some people, I can naturally write glowing reports on how much they helped me... for other people, I'm having difficulties.

If anyone has any suggestions on polite ways to thank people that have pissed you off for three years of your life, they would be gratefully received ;-)

The only downside of this is that now I feel as though I cheated my sister out of chocolate and vodka!

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