Friday, November 26, 2004

the simple pleasures in life

As anyone who has ever read this blog will know, there are certain many things that bother me. One of my pet hates at the moment are a series of particularly irritating TV adverts for the (otherwise) wonderful Cadbury's chocolate.

A couple of the ads have shown the joy of people who have discovered a forgotten chocolate bar (for example in the bottom of their bag, or buried under papers on their desk). I saw this, and just thought "as if." When I buy chocolate, I eat it. Sometimes before I put my coin purse away. If I'm being restrained, I'll even take the wrapper off first.

Anyway... to the point. I'm sitting at home making corrections to one of my thesis chapters. This is a thoroughly depressing way to spend a Friday night. I pick up my handbag, and rifle through it looking for my USB pen drive and my favourite lip gloss (though to be honest, not necessarily in that order...) Suddenly, I find the unmistakable shape of a Quality Street Big Green Triangle, and the moronic joy of the dorks in the ads makes sense. I almost cradled the chocolate in my hand with a look of disbelief on my face, before carefully opening the wrapper and savouring the gorgeous praline centre.

Chocolate has never tasted sweeter...

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