Friday, September 02, 2005

it passed??

The main thing I now associate with May, is my car’s annual MOT test. For those who don't know what I drive, the only non-specific way I can describe it, is as a candidate for Pimp My Ride.

I dutifully took it to the garage for the annual round of safety checks. While I sat outside eating breakfast, I wondered exactly what it would fail on this year. Last year, it needed new headlights, there was minor welding, the back seats needed to be fixed to they’d lock in place, and the track control arms needed to be replaced. I hadn’t even realised my car had track control arms.

With the testing complete, the mechanic came out, and I asked him if I should drive it straight to the scrap yard. He looked a little bemused, and said to me, “but it passed!”

They had to change one of the tyres for the spare (I’d been driving around for God knows how long with a nail in it), but that was it. The garage owner seemed as dumb-founded as me, but pointed out that as older cars are less reliant on electronics, there is often less to go wrong. They did warn me that it was rusting, but said it was not yet bad enough to fail it on. Maybe next year.

I rang Bibliogirl, who had given to car to me for my Birthday 18 months or so back, and thanked her again.

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