Tuesday, August 24, 2004

jesus h. christ

So Blogger has now installed the nice little Next Blog button at the top of the screen. This is an amusing way to browse, until you stumble into a tragedy like this.


Anonymous said...

Whu? What sane reason would anybody have for simply going to the "next" blog? That's on a par with phoning the next person in the phone book! Unless of course, you're just bored. Or avoiding work.

As for the blog you've actually found... |m 5p33ch1355! (| th|nk!)

j.j. said...

Well, bored _and_ avoiding work, actually.

The next blog function appears to be pretty random, and is kind of reassuring. However banal and poorly written I think my blog is, I can easily prove that it is not the worst to be found!

I'm amazed at the proportion that are either written by the deeply religious, or the deeply depressed! Or perhaps more disturbingly, both.

Anonymous said...

"by the deeply religious, or the deeply depressed!"

As opposed to the deeply desparate? ;-)


j.j. said...

Wow! There are _so_ many ways I could take that right now ;-)

Anonymous said...

Not my role to make any comments on "which way you take it"...


j.j. said...

No comment ;-)