Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I just knew it...

I finally hauled my arse out of bed, and headed off to the lab. There was a letter for me in the hall that I couldn’t easily identify, so I opened it on the spot. Other girls get love letters. I get a notice from the local Constabulary notifying me that they plan to prosecute me for speeding. Joy oh fucking joy. I guess there was film in the speed camera after all.

It just all seems rather petty... OK, so I was doing 55 mph on a 40 mph stretch of road, but I was less that 100 meters off the motorway signs (70 mph zone), and there was nothing on my inside. I bitched about it when I got to the lab, and a few other people said they been busted by the same camera. Apparently, it was only installed after some guy was killed trying to cross the road at that spot. If you knew the area, you'd understand why I heard this, and just thought of Darwin.

Add that to the parking ticket I got on Sunday, and this is going to be an expensive month for my poor old car. Not what I need right now...

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