Sunday, August 01, 2004

Girls' night in

Late Saturday, Millie arrived for a girls' night in. We drank wine and chatted, while half watching The Private Gladiator on DVD (that someone had loaned to me.) It's kind of like the Russell Crowe film, but with far more flesh and lashings of laughable sex. I never managed to watch enough of it in one go to discover if it actually had a plot.

I showed Millie the Wish Lists I had typed up. She did actually deny suggesting one or two of her, erm, "aspirations" ... Unfortunately, I can't find the original to dispute them ;-)

Anyway, on Sunday morning Millie showed me the online dating site she currently subscribes to. The number of people I know who do this is, I think, proof that any stigma attached to using dating agencies has now evaporated. It did feel weird, though. Looking at people's profiles and deciding purely on what was there whether or not you were interested. It almost felt like shopping on eBay. Not the way I had ever imagined trying to meet someone, but when I start earning money, I may have to give it a go. I did immediately fall in lust with some guy who had lived most of his life in New Zealand. Unfortunately, I somehow suspect I'm not what he's looking for, and he now lives in Essex. Bummer.

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