Thursday, July 29, 2004


I sometimes have days where I realise my priorities are not quite what they should be.  The most recent case of this involved a rather drunken wish-list that I made with an old school friend.  I’ll call her Millie.  She came to visit me sometime around the new year, and at her suggestion, we made a list of things that we wanted to do.  I recently found the list in my study, and decided to type it up in preparation for her next visit.

Oh, boy!

My wish list started out sensibly enough:
1- Learn to ride - I’ve always wanted to learn to ride horses.  I’ve done the pony-trekking-on-holiday thing, but I could always picture myself riding alone through the American southwest… with GPS and a satellite phone, naturally.
2 - Dive with manta rays.  Hopefully, next proper holiday. 
3 – Three-in-a-bed sex romp with two rather cute rock singers I like (they shall remain nameless) - it's never going to happen, but this was never solely about realism!
4 - Own a flat in NYC, preferably with a single, horny fireman next door
5 – Have dick for a week
6 – Get my PhD…

What’s wrong with this picture?!  Really?  I’m not sure being drunk counts as much of a defence.

Anyway, as a breakdown of this, 10 out of my 20 wishes involved sex (for Millie, this was 16 out of 33).  Among the non-smutty suggestions, Millie wishes to watch more sunsets, own a vineyard and be able to read peoples’ minds.  I want to get my skydiving qualification, and write a screenplay. 

Time will tell.

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