Monday, July 12, 2004

It finally arrived... scanner, that is.  Not bad, considering I ordered it about five weeks ago.  Unfortunately, the bureaucratic bullshit that surrounds this university means that you can only order certain equipment from "approved suppliers."  It doesn't matter that they are rarely the cheapest, and that the order has to get bounced around about three departments before even being placed.  Anyway, it scans just about everything, so I can finally get around to sorting out the four hundred or so photo's I have.
I also got my copy of Paint Shop Pro. I'm getting used to it, but after having version six for about four years, my first reaction to the new version (eight) was "aahhhhhh... they've moved everything."  That aside, the straighten function has probably stopped me from going insane, and I've come to the conclusion that the clone tool is my new best friend.  It rocks.


Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion that the clone tool is my new best friend.And after all the trouble your sister went to to get you those batteries...
(I think, if people asked now, you'd possibly suffer more embarassment.)


j.j. said...

Oh, come on... everybody _knows_ what the batteries are for!
