Monday, June 07, 2004

Monday bloody morning :-(

I had a 9 am appointment this morning with a very nice lady from Toni & Guy. When I woke up, I could feel something weird digging into my side. Closer examination revealed it was my alarm clock, and the time was now 9.22.

I'd be pissed off at the best of times, but I'm supposed to be heading out tomorrow night, and my hair has developed a mind of its own.

Anyway I rang up, and I apologised (several times.) My normal girl can't now cut my hair until Thursday. It may sound trivial to some, but I can't let anyone else near it. She always smiles so sweetly, never complains about its condition, and humours me by telling me different ways I could dye it (it's too expensive, but maybe one day...)

Anyway... this made me smile:

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