Wednesday, June 02, 2004


OK... so I'm now into my third day of feeling like crap. I am officially pissed off. I did manage to haul my arse down to the newsagents (although this was mostly because I hadn't eaten in about 24 hours, and neither Tesco or Sainsbury could deliver the same day.)

Shdwprncss kindly suggested ginger may help. The ginger tablets didn't work; but ginger beer with crisps seemed to do the trick nicely ;-) Certainly made me perk up for a while.

To add to the fun, it appears that my computer also has a virus (or four.) I've managed to blitz most of them, but one is proving stubborn to the point where a baseball bat and/or a very large, powerful magnet may have to be used.


Shdwprncss said...

Ginger is Ginger no matter what version you injest. Its still gonna help. I have noticed that only the fresh ginger pills are the best help.

j.j. said...

Oh, these were ginger pills I bought in Australia last year :-) They were sold as anti-nausea/travel sickness pills. I had a long boat trip to take, and although (fortunately) I've never suffered from sea-sickness, I thought I would rather take something rather than take a chance. Given the number of other people on the trip that were being rather ill, and the fact that I _did_ end up feeling decidedly queasy... I'm glad I bought them ;-)