Wednesday, June 09, 2004


For Christmas, I got a cool new toy: a Kodak digital camera. It has kept me amused ever since. My model has optional close-up lenses, which I finally got last week. I justified the expense (all £30 of it...) by telling myself that they would be useful additions to the lab. Anyway, I spent some of the afternoon playing with the lenses, to see what they can do.

Leaf & flower/bud from the fence outside the lab:

Sea urchin spines:

Underside of sea star:
(We get yelled at for calling them star fish)

Anyway, playtime was over, so I thought it was about time the animals were returned to their homes. I don't know if it was my perfume, or the raised temperature in the lab... but I think it is safe to say the photo's were of a boy urchin.

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